Palladium Auto Body is a premier collision repair facility located in Hayward, CA. We specialize in high-end vehicle repair and offer tailored solutions for commercial and fleet vehicles, handling jobs from 'fender benders' to major unibody and frame repairs.
Young ambitious gear heads and seasoned industry veterans united by a single goal – to provide you with the best experience possible. All of our technicians undergo extensive training and constantly maintain the highest level of certification in the industry. We are PPG®, I-Car® and ASE® certified - just to name a few. Our master technicians have experience with aluminum, magnesium, carbon fiber, as well as some of the latest composite materials utilized in the industry to make modern vehicles safer, lighter and more fuel-efficient.
You have the absolute right to choose a shop you are comfortable with. No insurance company can interfere with that right.
Your insurance company will attempt to “steer” you towards their recommended shop justifying it by inability to provide warranty otherwise. First of all, it’s highly illegal, second it benefits nobody but the insurance company as it allows them to save money at the expense of the quality and safety of the repairs. With that being said…
Some of the projects we were fortunate to work on in the past. No task is too small or too big for team Palladium.